How To Get My Girlfriend Back A Very Accidental Meeting

There are many ways to get your ex back. It is important to be aware of what works and what doesn't work so as not to spoil your chances and to increase your probability of success. One common mistake that many people may make is to plan "coincidence".

This is quite normal as people will usually look for various ways to contact their ex so that they can convince their ex not to break up. Let's look at the following question to find out more. Question: I have just broken up with my girlfriend and I really wanted her to come back to me. I still love her deeply so I tried to call her. I have called her many times but she refuses to answer my call. So I thought maybe I should try and meet her.

I know she frequents the library very often. So I decided to meet her there, pretending that it is a coincidence. However, it seems that she was very angry with me. What should I do next? End of Question. After reading the question above, what do you think? Do you think the guy did he right thing? Well, this is actually a mistake that is being made by many people. The fact is "accidental meeting" will never work.

First, it is rather obvious that this is definitely not a coincidence. She will spot it within a few seconds. Second, since she wants to avoid you for now, you should respect her for that and give her a bit of personal space. You do not want to behave like a stalker. And certainly, no one likes to be stalked.

Instead, what you will want to do is to suggest to her that you respect her decision to break up and that both of you should not meet for the time being so as to think things clearly. Most likely, she will respond more positively to this suggestion rather than being stalked. After the cool down period, it will then be more appropriate to meet her and plan your next move.

A good time period for both you to cool down will be anywhere from two weeks to a month, depending on your particular situation and personal preferences. Of course, this is not cast in stone. You can take slightly more than one month if you want. Generally, you do not want to meet her too soon nor do you want to take too long.

How to get your girlfriend back? You can watch a video "1st Step To Stopping A Break Up" at The Magic of Making Up This video will show you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get back your ex and the psychological reason behind why it works.

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